News & Events


Where experts will be ! Giantlok is going to join the biggest annual event in wind energy industry…Wind Energy Asia 2022!

As the increasing discussion of “Renewable Energy Certificates, RECs”, there is now widespread public concern more & more about green energy, included the technology, financial, and investment industries are also actively laying the groundwork. Green energy is no longer just the role of environmental protection or clean energy option, but it will also be the locomotive of industrial innovation! Thanks to the unique geographical environment and the policy to localize the wind power industry supply chain, Taiwan can take the lead in the Asia-Pacific market.

  • What is Wind Energy Asia about?

Wind Energy Asia 2022 is the only exhibition to focus on Taiwan’s wind industry supply chain. Building the most efficient communication platform. By expanding exchanges and cooperation, by deepening the local industry supply chain, by discovering state-of-the-art

trends and great business opportunities. With a diverse mix of exhibition activities, to support the sustainable development of the industry and pushing Taiwan to become an important base for the Asian wind power industry.

  • Why does Giantlok attend?

Giantlok is dedicated in providing world class Industrial electrical wiring products & solution as a solid back up to customers by our excellent consultative service, no matter  coping with harsh environment or providing more economical products combination to assist customer to fulfill their commitment of reliabilities.

Being a highly professional supplier of wiring accessories in Asia, our serving categories including electrical, automobiles, petroleum, natural gas, rail & ship buildings. Now we will keep leading customers creating high quality electrical wiring solutions in Wind Energy & Renewable industries!

  • What does Giantlok bring?

With Giantlok, our global reach and proven record ensure you to justify your expense, mitigate your operational risk, and run the most of your power efficiency. And we are going to display 3 major product series in Wind Energy Asia 2022–SPECIALTY TIES, STAINLESS STEEL TIES, INSTALLATION TOOLS, and our professional team will share the experience and instruct the products demo at site.

Contact us and visit us in Wind Energy Asia 2022 and learn how Giantlok can forge ahead with your electrical wiring challenges, or arrange online consultants to answer your wiring management needs and problems

▋Onsite    ▸  Kaohsiung Exhibition Center
▋Online    ▸  10:00AM~18:00PM, March 1-21, 2022
▋Boot No. ▸  A15

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